Friday, December 16, 2016

What I'm Reading: December 2016 #1

This is my  bi-weekly series to share with you whatever I'm reading that has either interested, entertained, or angered me.  I'll talk about the book I'm reading, articles I've read, blog posts I've liked, interesting videos, ect.  This is one of my favorite type of posts to read on other people's blog, so I hope you will find some links you enjoy!
Want to know what else I'm reading? Be my friend on Medium and Bloglovin' and Goodreads for more!

Since this is my first 'What I'm Reading' post there will probably be much more article links than normal.  I've been saving up posts to share with y'all for awhile!


The first week of December was a huge struggle due to finals and all the messy stress that comes along with them.  I managed to finish reading The Sea is Quiet Tonight by Michael W. Ward.  It's a memoir about a man who lost his partner to AIDS and their love story.

I'm also halfway through reading Shonda Rhimes' Year of Yes which I started reading during November.  I didn't think I could love Shonda Rhimes any more, but never say never.  I just want to be as cool as her, okay?  I can tell that I'm going to read this book over and over again for the rest of my life.

I will go more in-depth about these books in my 'What I Read in 2016' review list!

Around the internet:

There's been a lot of think-pieces on the new Gilmore Girls revival.  If I only had to share one (which I am), then I'd want you to read this one: The Problem With Everyone's Problem with Rory Gilmore.

When you think you know everything about sex trends, something else surfaces: Inside the Dark, Dangerous World of Chemsex

I Have Wasted Years Thinking I'm Not Good Enough: "I need to stop focusing on not being good enough. I need to believe I am, or can be, or will be good enough."

If for some reason you can never ride on a plane again, look how far you can get in Europe just by train in 24 hours.

This list would've made AP Lit much more interesting: 5 Sexist Books They Made Us Read In School, And What We Should Have Read Instead

If you need more books to add to your 2017 reading goals: 40 New Feminist Classics You Should Read

More books to read!!! Non-western books every student should read

"I think you should write the truth. Be real. If you obsess about redemption instead of the truth, you'll be like me, writing nothing, because life is not redemptive. Life isn't like that. Just write your own messy life, and let it spill out."

2016 is the worst year ever, until next year.

I hope the real Mike Pence knows about this: Gay Mike Pence Doppelgänger Is Collecting Money For LGBTQ Causes


Have you read anything cool lately? Share it below!