Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Consume This #8

Honestly can't remember where I took this. Maybe Belgrade?

a profile on Darren Criss (it's SO WEIRD seeing him in mainstream outlets)

buying more time, not stuff, will increase your happiness

Improving Ourselves to Death

7 Helpful Tips on How to be Miserable

How Do You Rebuild a Life After Leaving a Polygamous Cult?

Instagrammers are sucking the soul out of travel

How DNA Testing Botched My Family's Heritage

The Rise and Fall of the Pop Star Purity Ring

Genre Fiction and The Canon: "To understand the world you have to be a magpie. You have to read everything you can get your hands on. You can’t allow snobbery and insecurity to trap you in biblio prisons."

The Rise of Country Rap

The Female Price of Male Pleasure

Pop Culture and its Dangerous Consent Myth

I Copied the Routines of Famous Writers and it Sucked

When I Was Married, I Was Rich. Then I Got Divorced.

L I S T E N I N G  &  W A T C H I N G 

all of the best romcoms that take place in the spring

Birth Control Your Own Adventure