Thursday, December 22, 2016

My Glasgow Bucket List

Buchanan Street

Listen, I love bucket lists.  They give me clear goals and a list to refer to when I complain about being bored.
I'll have five months in Glasgow, beginning of January to the end of May, and I want to make those months count.  I'll divide this list between activities that are specifically Glasgow-related and things that are in the rest of Scotland.


  1. visit Ashton Lane
  2. Kelvingrove Art Gallery
  3. Gallery of Modern Art
  4. Botanic Gardens
  5. Glasgow Cathedral
  6.  Voltaire & Rousseau bookstore
  7. Necropolis
  8. Good Press Gallery
  9. Burrell Collection
  10. Hunterian Museum
  11. eat lots of Indian food
  12. Mitchell Library
  13. St Aloysius Church
  14. Glasgow City Chambers Tour (apparently it's free)
  15. consume haggis
  16. football (soccer) game
  17. St Mungo's Museum of Religious Life & Art


  1. Arthur's Seat
  2. Whaligoe Steps
  3. Loch Ness
  4. pet sheep
  5. St. Andrews
  6. West Highland Way (it's 96 miles long so... maybe)
  7. there's a lot of hiking to be done
Lonely Planet has a pretty comprehensive list of things on their site.

and beyond...

  1. see the Harry Potter play in London (I may or may not have bought tickets back in October 2015...)
  2. Persephone Books in London
  3. go to Ireland
  4. go to Wales. Hay-on-Wye sounds cool.
I think it's settled, I definitely need more than five months in Scotland.  I would prefer five years at a minimum; who wants to offer me a job after I graduate in 2018 please and thank you.

pin it!

What do you suggest I do/go/see while I'm in Glasgow/Scotland/the UK?

Header Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash