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The plane ride from D.C. to Glasgow was pretty rough, reading-wise. I started reading two books I received from NetGalley, but they were so horrible that I couldn't get past a few chapters. Then I started reading This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald, which was better than I expected but still not interesting enough to hold my attention.I had Verisimo on my Kindle because it was was a part of a free book deal and the description sounded interesting. It was absolutely horrible. I'm now scared of ever reading free Kindle books again.
I also started reading All Over the Place by Geraldine DeRuiter of Everywhereist fame. I'm a little more than halfway through and I've already cried three times. Not because it's particularly sad (you will also laugh a lot), I'm just an easy crier and love makes me cry. Geraldine and her husband are in a lot of love. Full review will be posted when I'm done/closer to the release date. (I received a copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.)
2017 reading challenge: 2 down, 48 more to go.
There's rumor that Hillary Clinton might run for NYC's mayor.Lindy West leaves twitter, for good reasons. I probably would too if it wasn't the only place I consistently promote my blog and interact with other bloggers!
Victoria Beckham wrote a letter to her younger self in Vogue and of course I cried at that, too.
Probably because the letter was addressed "Dear Victoria" so it felt like she was talking to me.
Get Some 'Yes' in Your LifeWe all have our dark periods, but in good news Emily is getting her life back on track (!!!!)
Jaime from Angloyankophile blogged about budgeting and how to quit spending all your money on pointless stuff. I consider myself pretty frugal but I still don't keep a strict budget. I'll need to fix this within the next few months because next year I'm graduating and will need to act like a real adult.