Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Glasgow Week 3: St. Andrews and the Women's March

Three weeks already!  It feels like my time here is flying by and there is still so much left to do!

Gallery of Modern Art

On Wednesday I went to the Gallery of Modern Art (GoMA) and was mildly disappointed, since only three exhibits were open.  I'll definitely need to go back once the fourth exhibit is finished.

Kelvingrove Museum

Thursday I went to the Kelvingrove again and walked around the ground floor.  I accidentally snuck into the only exhibit that you're supposed to pay for.  I just walked into this gift shop and started walking around but the gift shop just kept on going and suddenly I'm walking through the entire exhibit for free.  Oops.  Sometimes it pays to be a clueless American.

a bird got in my coastline shot

On Friday I woke up way too early to take a bus ride to St. Andrews with some friends.  It's a cute town but I don't think it has enough to do to there to warrant an overnight trip.  One day is enough (unless you're into golfing).  I'll try to go back when the weather is warmer and the sun sets later.  I ignored the fact that the inauguration was happening while I tried to track down all the Prince William and Kate Middleton hotspots (no shame).  I don't feel bad about not watching the inauguration.  It's going to be a long 3 years and 11 months and 3 weeks until Trump is out of office, I'll have plenty of time to consume media then.

sadly I don't have a picture of the haggis

Saturday was spent sleeping and chilling and getting ready for a Burn's night party.  My entire group was way too under-dressed but there was free wine and haggis and I danced with cute Scottish guys and ended the night at McDonald's.  As you do.

Sunday is all about homework (and procrastinating by writing blog posts).  My most reading-intense class is on Monday, so instead of gradually doing work throughout the week I think I'm going to cram everything in on Sunday.  At least I get to try out a new coffee shop each week!

you KNOW Carrie would've been there

do feel bad about missing the Women's March, though.  If I wasn't studying abroad then I would 100% have been at the march in D.C., since it's not too far from where I live.  I know living in Glasgow for five months is a once in a lifetime chance and I shouldn't take it for granted, but I have this nagging feeling that I'm missing out on history.  I won't be able to tell my (adopted) kids that their mother was a part of the biggest presidential protest in history.  

I'm sure there will be plenty of protests to take part in when I get home.  You bet your ass I'll be at those.

I am so, so proud of my country and all the other countries that support our resistance.  Trump lost by almost 3 million votes, not even counting the votes that went to third parties.  He and his supporters are in the minority.  We have to remember that.