Saturday, July 18, 2020

Books in Translation: Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 (Korea)

Translated by Jamie Chang
Kim Jiyoung is a normal woman who lives a normal life in Seoul, except one day she starts acting like other people. Gut reaction would assume that she has a personality disorder, but once you read about her life you learn there's way more to her story.

This book is an interesting character study about modern day feminism in Korea. I like how Cho Nam-Joo shows how it's the little things, the passive aggressive aggressions at work and in daily life, that build up over time and just need an excuse to explode. At times the language felt a little dry which at first I attributed to the translation but the ending ties everything together nicely. And wow, what an ending! It will leave you frustrated but that's the point.  

Link to buy:
also check your local library!