Friday, August 16, 2019

6 Months Living in Korea

been to a lot of temples

It's hard to believe that I left the United States six months ago! Six months isn't my longest time abroad (that's eight months), but six months is the longest time I've spent in any place that isn't America. 

Ranking of places I've spent the most time:
1. USA (21 years)
2. Korea (6 months)
3. Scotland (5 months)
4. Slovakia (2 months)

And all the other countries I've spent anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks.

So how am I dealing? How does it feel? 

Well, when I was in Taiwan for a week I was EXCITED to get back to Korea. To be in my apartment and my own bed and to see my friends and have the schedule of going to work and seeing my students. 

I'm not really homesick. Of course, I miss my family and I really should call them more often, but I use that guilt to send them postcards fairly often. People LOVE postcards. If you're reading this you should go send someone a letter. Bonus points if it's to a different country. 

I'm sure I'll get homesick around the holidays. I've spent three 4th of July's away from home but I've never missed a Thanksgiving or Christmas, so I'm sure that'll suck emotionally. 

6 months. Still going strong. Cheers to 6 months more. Time truly does pass too quickly.