October, London, sunset |
I love reading everyone's travel plans and goals for 2019, and usually, I'd want to share my own.
But the truth of the matter is that I'm frickin frackin terrified.
I've applied to a teaching English program in an Asian country (will give all the specifics when/if everything works out) and I've been accepted, but I haven't had an update since.
The program made a post saying that they're a little slower releasing placements this year and to be patient, but I am still! so! scared!
The facebook group is filled with people excitedly posting their placements and connecting with others in their region. A poster on Reddit said that their recruiter told them not to send in their documents for this term because all of the applications currently in their office are more than enough for this intake.
My application is one of the many sitting in that office. Will it be one of the lucky that get processed in time, or will I receive an email in a few days saying, "Sorry, all our spots are filled, try again in the fall"?
Will I be booking a flight to leave in mid-February, or will I have to tell everyone I know about a "change of plans" and be stressed about what the hell I'm supposed to do next?
What the hell am I supposed to do next?
I know there's no point, in worrying, but man am I worried.