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Photo by Annie Spratt |
This is my bi-weekly series to share with you whatever I’m reading that has either interested, entertained, or angered me. I’ll talk about the book I’m reading, articles I’ve read, blog posts I’ve liked, interesting videos, ect. This is one of my favorite type of posts to read on other people’s blog, so I hope you will find some links you enjoy!
Want to know what else I’m reading? Be my friend on Medium and Bloglovin’ and Goodreads for more!
I finished The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo by Amy Schumer while in Warsaw. I didn't know what to expect from her book since she's one of those women that people love to hate, but I'm glad public perception of her didn't sway me from reading this book. Schumer is funny and hardworking and crazy smart, and so many of her observations are things that I wish I could say but just don't have the balls to yet. 5 stars.I'm also in the middle of The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt and Sybil, the true story of that girl with 16 distinct personalities. It's very slow going with The Goldfinch but I'm trying to finish it quickly because it takes up so much room in my bag.
How women in TV shows are always lotioning at night. Strangely enough I think about this phenomenon a lot, so I'm glad other people have noticed enough to write an analysis of it.I loved this piece on being gay versus being southern. It's great because there's no definite conclusion, since it's a predicament that I don't think anyone has the answer for.
Feminism and the fear of dying alone.
A day in the life of Kim Kardashian's assistant is crazy interesting.
You Should've Asked: even though women in the workforce is rising, they still take on a HUGE chunk of mental labor by being the "manager" of the household.
I'm very interested in the whole big city vs. small town debate (since I find a lot of problems when people blame everything on "coastal elites" vs. the "poor middle America").
I've been following Chelsea Manning's case since the very beginning (which was back when I was 14, proving once again that teenage girls are aware and care about politics), so I loved the NYT profile on her.
It's been one year since the shooting in Orlando, so here's a piece on queer grief: "Grief can be neon, can be a ball, can be camp, can be a read, or can be a parade. It can be as joyful as it is sad".
Orange is the New Black! I had a rainy day in Krakow so I plowed through most of it that day, then finished it the next. I definitely enjoyed it a lot more than the previous seasons. There's a lot that happened that I'm still not sure how to feel about, so I'm ready for all the think-pieces that are sure to come.
Halsey's new album. I really loved Badlands and her followup album doesn't disappoint. It's very moody and honest which I love.
As you can tell, I haven't been posting as much as normal. I'm currently a little over 2 weeks into my 2.5 month long trip and I don't want to force myself to blog and adding extra stress to my life when I should be enjoying myself. That's going pretty well, I think!Quoting
We should be careful
Of each other, we should be kind
While there is still time.
-Philip Larkin