Friday, August 9, 2019

grateful + thankful + LUCKY

family photos on my fridge

I am extremely grateful for my life. I am very lucky. Of course, I've had some really shit times and I'm sure I'll have shit times again, but now I am thankfully much more mentally and emotionally capable of dealing with those shit times. Maybe it's maturity or maybe it's the SSRI's, but either way, I'm thankful for my life.

I have friends in almost every time zone. A family that will always be there for me if/when I need it. Seven library cards from different libraries that all sync with my Libby account so I'm never stranded without a book on my kindle or audiobook in my ears. A job that I love. Enough money to consistently have tasty food. Enough money to travel. A nice boy texting me. Air conditioning. An American passport.
I hate it when travel bloggers say shit like "I'm not lucky! I worked hard to get here!" Like I'm sure you did boo. We've all worked hard, you ain't special.

I typed and erased so many metaphors about life and luck and self-worth. Things about cookies crumbling. Silver spoons. Goats. Idk.

Lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky.